Antonietta Varallo

Antonietta Varallo was born in the province of Taranto but is Livorno by adoption. She approaches painting from a young age, first studying at the free art academy “Trossi Uberti” and then passing under the guidance of Luciano Torsi, thus obtaining artistic maturity. In 1976 she won the “Chimera” prize of the city of Arezzo.

She is honorary professor of the Macchiavelli Academy of Florence and of the G. Marconi of Bologna.

The influence of nature essentially determines Varallo’s pictorial anthology. Her flower gardens, her enchanted landscapes, the multitudes of veiled colors that triumph in her paintings are suspended into a surreal atmosphere.

Despite her essential executive and graphic linearity, the painter interprets a reality that goes far beyond pure descriptiveness but is able to evoke enchanted images and suggestive visions. The soft landscapes, the romantic views, the magical views are immersed in an atmosphere where silence plays the leading role. In her works the sense of impalpable hope is given by the soft light and the bright colors applied with accurate and soft brushstrokes. Her painting, always rich in suggestions, rhythmic and refined, is able to make images correspond to pure poetry.

Her works can be found in private collections in the United States, England, Japan and Germany.


Featured Works

Antonietta Varallo

V1.2420 Veduta di borgo toscano 40×20 cm

Oil on canvas

Antonietta Varallo

V1.2419 Dopo la pioggia 20×40 cm

Oil on canvas

Antonietta Varallo

V1.2417 Veduta delle colline toscane 50×100 cm

Oil on canvas

Antonietta Varallo

V1.2413 Angolo di paese 50×70 cm

Oil on canvas

Antonietta Varallo

V1.2410 Bifora 40×20 cm

Oil on canvas

Antonietta Varallo

V1.2319 Panorama toscano 60×120 cm

Oil on canvas